Take the plunge
Dunoon and Cowal Coworks peer support for women with new business ideas.
You don’t need to navigate the murky waters of starting up a business on your own. Mentoring and support from others who are already doing business in Dunoon can set you on course for start-up success!
Connect with your community
Take the Plunge is for women living in the Dunoon and Cowal area who have new enterprising ideas. We are keen to work with women who are finding starting a businesses challenging because of care responsibilities, health or rural challenges.
What’s involved?
Our peer-support programme runs from January to March 2024 and includes:
Access to flexible desk-space at the POP shop for a few hours each week.
Mentoring from other women in business.
Tailored one-to-one support from a range of business people in our community.
Attendance at regular networking sessions to meet others doing business in Dunoon.
Promotion of your new business.
Dunoon and Cowal Coworks is a partnership between POP Shop Enterprises CIC and Dunoon Community Development Trust to create a community of support around you and your business in Dunoon and Cowal.
What is Dunoon and Cowal Coworks?
Our regular meet-ups are for people who are running or starting up a new business, including freelance, home-based workers and people structuring work around care. Hosted by Dawn Petherwick of the Soulful Living Academy, these informal sessions give you a space for networking and to find support from other people running businesses in Dunoon.
Follow Dunoon and Cowal Coworks on Facebook>
Join the Dunoon and Cowal Coworks Facebook group. This group nurtures an online community of support for people running or starting new businesses in the Dunoon area.
Supported by Dunoon Community Development Trust and POP shop enterprises CIC, this group is nurtured by the Soulful Living Academy.
Project supported by:
This project is supported by Scottish Government’s Pathways Pre-start Fund and Dunoon Community Development Trust